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We launch
local food systems 

  to reduce poverty with dignity

by feeding, funding and bringing hope to the poorest of the poor

And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

Isaiah 58: 10-11

We Are

YWAM Emerge was founded in 2013 and is dedicated to reducing poverty with dignity, training people in discipleship and aquaponics, and lifting up vulnerable communities through economic development and spiritual transformation. Using aquaponics as a sustainable food source and a viable small business model, YWAM Emerge works to provide a solution to food insecurity and to equip people with the tools and knowledge they need to grow their own food in the name of Jesus. Through training, building, and development we aim to make a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve. 


Training and education is at the heart of everything we do.  Our Discipleship Training School (DTS) is for those who are longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus and our OASYS course is for those who are interested in aquaponics.



We help people build and operate their own OASYS aquaponics system for food production. The system uses 90% less water than traditional agriculture and provides a source of vegetables and protein to families and communities.

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We use aquaponics as a sustainable food source to bring nutritious food to communities around the world, including our own. Our commercial aquaponics system is used for training  and R&D, and the lettuce we grow is sold and donated locally.

What We Do


We believe that one person can IMPACT a community.

We believe that one conversation can CHANGE a life.

We believe that WHAT you do matters, but WHY you do it matters more.

We believe that

God uses ORDINARY  people to do EXTRAORDINARY things.


We believe  that Jesus TRANSFORMS lives,

HEALS the broken-hearted, and is making all things NEW.


We believe that by ourselves we can do some things, together we can do amazing things & 

               IN JESUS






Get Involved With Us


Help harvest, plant, and transplant our lettuce crop at one of our weekly harvests. 


 Support our work of training and building aquaponics systems around the world.


Learn to follow Jesus in a deeper way and with a different perspective at our Discipleship Training School 


Build an OASYS aquaponics system in your community.

YWAM Emerge

4135 Shoup Rd

Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Phone: +1 719-695-0330



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